Frequently Asked Questions


Who can receive a 海豚卡?

海豚卡通常是在新生培训期间发给新员工的. 否则,所有海豚卡都发给本学期入学的学生。 beginning one week prior to the first day of classes. Students must be 注册ed at least one day prior to getting a 海豚卡.

What can I do with my 海豚卡?

您的海豚卡将作为您的正式身份证、借书证、餐券 计划卡,健身房和大楼的使用权,并免费进入体育赛事. 海豚 Card is also used for Dolphin & Flex Dollars, and is a fully functioning Debit Card 这可以在任何供应商用于校内和校外的购买,以及接收 折扣!

How should I maintain my 海豚卡?

请勿在海豚卡上粘贴、弯曲、扭曲或打孔 this can damage the 卡 and 读卡器s.


Where do I go to get a new or replacement ID 卡?

海豚卡办公室位于校园安全大楼一楼 Howard Administration Building.

What happens if I lose my ID 卡?

如果您的卡丢失或被盗,请立即致电(904)256-7585向校园安全部门报告 visit the 海豚卡 Office. You are responsible for all transactions that may occur before the 卡 is officially reported. A $30 fee will be charged to replace your 卡.

What happens if my ID 卡 is stolen?

请 follow the same procedure as if your 卡 was lost.

Can I have more than one copy of my ID 卡?


Do I need to get a new ID 卡 if I am a returning student?

任何“旧”版本的JU ID(在2022年1月之前打印的)已经退役 are no longer accepted as a valid university ID.



海豚元是海豚卡上的预付消费帐户,为您提供方便 and secure way to make purchases on and off 校园. 海豚美元 is designed to eliminate 需要携带现金. You or your parents must add value to your Dolphin Dollars 账户 before using it for purchases.

How do I open a 海豚美元 账户?

Add 基金 to 你的账户 with check or debit/credit 卡 online.

How do 海豚美元 work?

海豚美元是海豚卡上的无现金预付消费账户 is accepted on and off the 杰克逊维尔大学 校园. You must add value to your 账户 before using 海豚美元 to make purchases. You must have sufficient value 可在您的Dolphin dollar帐户中为每笔交易付款. 每次你 使用您的Dolphin dollar帐户,交易金额将被扣除 你的账户. You may not spend more value than you have. Unused balances in Dolphin Dollars roll over semester to semester and year to year.

How do I use 海豚美元?

使用海豚元帐户时,请在任何地点向收银出示身份证 全球网络赌博平台接受海豚元,请使用您的海豚元付款 基金. 你的余额总是反映在每次交易后的收据上; 您也可以监控您的余额和详细的账户交易 经理.

How can I check the balance(s) in my 账户?

您可以通过您的账户中心查看您的余额,它允许您检查您的 平衡,查看最近的交易,增加价值,或增加支付方式.

What’s the difference between my Meal Plan and 海豚美元?

Both 账户s are accessed by 你的海豚卡. All students are eligible to participate 在饮食计划中. 在校园用餐时,膳食计划只作为一种支付方式被接受 位置. Learn more about meal plans. 海豚美元是一种预付消费账户,在所有校园餐厅都可以使用 位置 plus many other 位置 on and off 校园. It is designed to eliminate 需要携带现金. You or your parents must add value to 海豚美元 before 用它们来购物. Value in 海豚美元 roll over from semester to semester 年复一年.

Can I withdraw money from my 海豚美元 账户?

You may not withdraw money from your 海豚美元 账户. 不过,你可以收到 在你毕业、退学或被杰克逊维尔大学开除时,退还未使用的资金 大学.

What happens to leftover balances at the end of a semester?

你账户上的余额将从一个学期转到另一个学期 年复一年,直到你毕业、退学或被杰克逊维尔大学开除. At that point, you may receive a refund of 你的账户 balance.

What is the 海豚美元 refund process?

当你毕业时,你可能会收到海豚美元账户余额的退款。 withdraw or are dismissed from 杰克逊维尔大学. Proof of withdrawal or dismissal 是必需的. 退款申请必须以书面形式提交到大学卡上 program service provider by emailing my卡@judolphin1卡.com.

请 see Section 20: Account Re基金 in the Terms & Conditions for further details.


Can I use my ID Card as an ATM 卡?

您的海豚卡可以成为一个功能齐全的借记卡,在打开一个帐户 与校银行合作. Students, 教师 and 工作人员 may visit the 海豚卡 Office, 或者上网上大学.银行/杰克逊维尔 注册.




This service is optional to all members of the 校园 community. 然而,为了 才能使用该卡的借记卡功能并获得折扣优惠 retail 位置, a 校银行 账户 would need to be active.

Will I be surcharged when I use my ID Card at an ATM?

JU在校园内方便地放置了一个大学自动取款机,方便,免费的交易. Varsity还与全国34000多台自动取款机合作,通过MoneyPass提供服务 免年费的交易.

How can I link my ID Card to my 校银行 账户?

一旦你注册了一个大学银行账户,你将需要访问海豚 将银行资料载入您的身份证.


是的. 一旦您开立帐户并收到,您将被分配一个PIN号码 你的海豚卡.


You can visit the 海豚卡 Office, 或者上网上大学.银行/杰克逊维尔 注册.


是的. 一旦你的校队帐户被激活,你将能够使用你的海豚 Card at all on- and off-校园 vendors.

Can I make a purchase with my ID Card as a credit 卡?

No. 如果你想申请大学信用卡,你可以访问大学.银行/杰克逊维尔 了解更多.

What is the Dolphin Discount Program?

作为海豚卡的额外好处,一些当地的供应商和零售商有 加入全球网络赌博平台的计划,提供额外的折扣和储蓄,任何人使用他们的 海豚卡 at participating 位置. To see a list of partners, visit the Dolphin 卡的网页.



杰克逊维尔大学在许多建筑物中实施了身份证访问计划 to limit public access after hours. Campus community members gain access to buildings (在准许的情况下),并可在大厦内刷卡/轻敲身分证,以开锁 读卡器. Buildings are locked on weekends and between 10 p.m. 和7a.m. 在工作日. Schedules may vary depending upon building tenant needs.

What buildings can I access with my ID Card?

校园里有许多建筑物可以用你的身份证进入. 的 以下建筑物在下班后被锁上,需要有效的身份证件才能进入. 请 note that access is restricted based on need. For example, residential students may 只能用卡进入他们的住所.

Some of the buildings that make use of ID 卡 access include:

  • 北大厅
  • 威廉姆斯大厅
  • 博茨大厅
  • 橡树大厅
  • 蒸汽研究所
  • Davis College of Business & 技术
  • 议会大楼
  • Defenders Den in Founders
  • 菲利普斯美术公司
  • Marine Science Research Institute
  • Brooks Rehabilitation College of 健康care Sciences
  • 市区(维星大厦)
  • 健康科学综合大楼

How can I be sure my ID Card will work for building access?

当你收到你的身份证,卡号被输入到数据库系统 that controls all appropriate building doors on 校园. If your ID Card does not work 如果你需要进入大楼,请联系校园保安. 那么你应该 在正常工作时间内携带身份证到校园保安处办理 checked and access issue remedied, if necessary.


How do I make copies in the 大学 图书馆 System?

您可以使用您的Dolphin dollar帐户进行复制,该帐户在所有设备上都是活跃的 student, staff and faculty ID Cards. Funds must be deposited into the 海豚美元 账户. 您可以存入资金,并通过 杰克逊维尔大学 portal.




Howard Administration Building


(904) 256-7565
